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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This is Halloween, this is Halloween...drunken blog.

Please note that I wrote this blog when I got home from my All Hallow's Eve gallivanting, but was too inebriated to figure out passwords and clicking the "New Post" button. So I discovered it today. Wow. I have not edited said blog in any way. Here is my train of thought for the evening.

Drunken Halloween blog 3-of-sort-of-3 1:11am (technically) 11-1-10

Horray! I thought of so many great AND AMAZING THINGS TO BLOG ABOUT TONIGHT WHILE I WAS SEMI-[ASSED OUT ON THE TRAIN RIDE HOME FROM Sky and Neil’s performance at Bar 9 ….but now I don’t realu remember them…..and I just realizedt at I wrote most of that last sentence in caps lock….my bad…

Jarrett id amazing an making me pasta since we couldn’t have taco bell, my favorite drunken food ever!!!! Stupid taco bell not delivering and not being in brookltny where I live!!!

I do know that the man on the F train tonight talked lik Sam Eagle from the Muppets and the tone of his voice cmbined wit the jerky motion of the train made me want to throw up. So, I discovered the greatest postion ever on the train is sitting with your head in your hands with your fingers in your ears, while the other fingers folding your ear lobrs over themse;ves so you can’t hear anything and then breating really deeply ina dna out just conv=centrating on the brewathing until you get to your stop and get the glorious peace of outside and the cold air. THAT, my friends id how you aifd puking on the train on Halloween.

Mind you, it doesn’t always wrokm. Especially if youre at a arty where you don’t know awaht idson in the :jungle hjuice” ut you drink it anyway and the you smoke a cigar ‘cause it soudnsa like a good idea ata the time,a nd then you bond with your friend’s obnoxious ass grielfriedn who you hate but eacause you’re drunk she seems super nice but deep down you still hate her and you pray she doesn’t remember this drunken bonding upon your next meeting, but she does and you hate your life because of it, and then you thrw up on the train plateform and have to hep tyour boyfriend move to a neq burroght the next day, and this is so epic, I forgot where I was foin with it, and now my pasts if ready so I;m gonna eat it and then pass out do I can get up at thwe ass-end of early tomorrow to go to work.

My point, and I do have one, is Happy Halloween!!
Hope everyone issafe!

And I lost my camera tonight…..BEFORE I started drinkinng!!! Fuck.

-Currently Starving for Pasta

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