How do you pay the bills?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Times Square

One of my part-time "survival jobs" I have while I look for creative work/projects/outlets is promoting Broadway shows in Times Square on the weekends to supplement my income. I do this on top of working full time 5 days a week in an office. Why do I sometimes work 7 days a week, you ask? Because no one can live comfortably on less than 30K a year in this city. Plus, the holidays are coming up very quickly, and I need some dough to buy my loved ones gifts that don't come from the Dollar Mart.

If you've never been to Times Square before, you know that it's one of the most iconic places in NYC, there are lights and people and billboards everywhere. It's quite overwhelming at first, but it's almost magical, especially at night.

If you have been to Times Square or are a New Yorker, you know that Times Square is like the 2nd circle of Hell. There are stupid tourists everywhere getting in your way, it's loud, it's dirty, it's smelly, and those damn comedy show guys are up in everybody's faces all the time.

As much as I truly hate Times Square sometimes, other times, I do have to admit, it has some charm. Like when you see crazy random shit that gives you stories to tell your friends for years to come, those are the best times.

I feel like I've "seen it all" most of the time, I've seen everything from celebrities, to crazy homeless guys, to bomb scares, to elderly couples in domestic disputes that turn violent. And nearly every time I'm in TS, I see something new that makes me say, "whoa."

-Not Currently Starving, but Looking Forward to Christmas Goodies

(To be continued...)

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