How do you pay the bills?

Friday, September 11, 2009

An argument

This is something clever and humorous my boyfriend came across online. I thought it should be shared. (I am unsure of its origins and the author, so please do not misunderstand my blog. I did not write this, I am simply re-posting to share with the world.)

This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the food and drug administration.
At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency, using legal tender issued by the federal reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.
After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal’s inspection, and which has not been plundered of all it’s valuables thanks to the local police department.
I then log on to the internet which was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration and post on and fox news forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can’t do anything right.

What I don't seem to understand is why people are so anti 'public option.' That's all it is, an option for those of us who go to work every day, pay our taxes, and for whatever reason cannot afford to pay for health care. I understand the rich don't want to have to be financially responsible for thos less rich than they. Well guess what? Your tax dollars go the exact same place my tax dollars go. They pay for roads I don't neccessarily drive on, schools I or my children don't attend (in fact I don't even have kids), a war I didn't want to fight, etc. Taxes are taxes are taxes are taxes. They all fund government projects!
Preventative health care is far less expensive than treatment for health problems, yet so many of us cannot afford to even go get a checkup. I personally have some health problems that require daily medication. I also lack insurance. The city I live in has free health clinics, but at this time they are no longer accepting new patients because there are too many sick people. So, for me to get a prescription, I have to take an hour+ train ride to a different borough, pay $75 just to see the doctor, have her hand me a prescription, and then go pay another $60-or-so for the pill bottle that is good for 30 days. That cost is about half my weekly paycheck. And since I have to live paycheck to paycheck, it makes it really tough to get by.

It is because of this financial squeeze that I am now opting to halv my pills. Yes, I cut each pill in half so it will last 60 days rather than 30. Therefore, I am not taking the dosage my body needs, therfore my health and job performance are suffering. This isn't really fair to my employer, and it's not fair to me.

My work does offer insurance, but the monthly payment actually costs more than I am already paying for my monthly trip to the doctor/medication, so paying that on top of co-pays is like throwing money away. My job doesn't provide sick days, as I am an hourly employee, so if I get sick and take a day off to go to the doctor or try to get well, I don't get paid. I have been looking for another job for many months, but the market is still pretty shabby where I live.

Shouldn't a government who is "for the people, by the people" also have the responsibility to help care for/about said people? I go to work 5 days a week. I pay taxes. I vote. I don't have a criminal record. I have a college degree. I do volunteer work. I donate to charities when I can. I am a law-abiding citizen. I pay for social security I may never see. I support local small business owners. I am a fairly upstanding citizen, so why can't I get health treatment when I need it? I do live in a nicer neighborhood; it is safe, and pretty, and friendly, but not super overpriced yet. I should not be forced to live in the slums or dangerous neighborhoods simply because I have to use half of my paycheck to pay for medicine. I am all for the public option. I need to have an option, because right now I have none.

-Currently Starving

Monday, July 6, 2009

My first blog

Alright, it's a lame-ass title, but it is currently 1:23am and my creative juices are a little low tonight. I'm recovering from an epic July 4th game of "flip cup," a game I have not participated in since college and a 2 hour train journey back to Brooklyn. I managed to throw up twice into a plastic bag on the platform and place said bag into the proper trash receptical without grossing out too many of the other drunkards on the train. We safely made it home upon arrival, I meandered my way into the commode and rid my body of all other poisons I had imbibed that evening. So any creativity I had left has, by now, flushed its way into the Potomac. My point? Happy 4th of July.

-Currently Starving And Hungover And Not Very Artistic
(and a little pukey)